‘E’ Glossary

Agriculture Glossary


This refers to the gradual degradation of the earth’s surface, typically caused by water or wind activity.


The branch of science focused on studying insects and their ecosystems.

Evergreen Tree

A type of tree that retains most or all of its foliage throughout the year.


A term used to describe a female sheep, regardless of age.

Exotic Species

Refers to plant or animal species that have been introduced to a new environment by human actions, either on purpose or by accident.


The scientific study of how organisms interact with each other and their environment.

Edaphic Factors

These are factors related to the soil, affecting plant growth and development.

Electrical Conductivity (EC)

This property measures a substance’s ability to conduct electricity, inversely related to its resistance. It’s often used to gauge the salinity of a soil extract when saturated with water, with measurements in milli mhos/cm or dsm-1 at 25°C.


The manual removal of anthers from a young, bisexual flower to prevent self-pollination.


A condition where leaves and stems twist and curl due to uneven cell growth.


The process through which water transforms into vapor and escapes from a wet surface, driven by sunlight.

Exotic (Plant)

A plant species that has been recently introduced to an area where it is not native.

Ecological Niche

The specific role or function a species has within its ecosystem.


The comprehensive study of the interactions between all living organisms and their surroundings.

Economic Depletion

The extensive utilization of 80 percent of a nonrenewable resource.

Economic Growth

The increase in the production and output of an economy, often measured by the gross national product (GNP).


The field that explores how humans produce, distribute, and consume goods and services.

Economic System

The structured way an economy is organized, including ownership, institutions, and mechanisms for allocation and distribution.


The organized system by which resources are generated, distributed, and consumed by humans.

Ecosphere (Biosphere)

The global sum of all ecosystems, including all life forms and their physical environments.


A dynamic complex of plant, animal, and microorganism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.


The sum of all external conditions and influences affecting the life and development of organisms.

Environmental Degradation

The deterioration of the environment through the depletion or destruction of resources, such as soil.

Environmental Ethics

The philosophical study of the moral relationship between humans and the natural world.


The scientific study of the factors affecting health and illness in populations, particularly environmental factors.


The process by which soil and rock are removed from the Earth’s surface by wind or water flow, and then transported and deposited in other locations.


Principles or rules that guide behavior, determining what is considered right and wrong.


The biological and social process through which species and societies adapt and change over time.

Extensive Agriculture

Agricultural practices aimed at increasing the amount of land used for farming.


The permanent disappearance of a species from the Earth.

Horticulture Glossary

Drought-Resistant Crops

Cultivating crops like ber, custard apple, amla, and mango that require less water.

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