‘M’ Glossary

Agriculture Glossary


Manure consists of animal excreta and bedding materials from stables and barnyards, used to fertilize soil.


A mare is a mature female horse.

Marginal Land

Marginal land is land that is nearly unproductive for farming.


Mastitis is an infection of the cow’s udder caused by microorganisms, often due to improper milking techniques.


Monoculture is the agricultural practice of growing a single species of plant over a large area, typically requiring substantial use of fertilizers and pesticides.


Macronutrients are essential chemical elements required in large quantities for plant health, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium.


Mattocking involves removing the pseudostem of a banana plant after fruit harvesting.


A microclimate refers to the climate of a small, specific area surrounding an individual plant.

Minimum Tillage

Minimum tillage aims to reduce soil disturbance and erosion, conserve soil moisture, and maintain soil structure by leaving crop residues on the field.


An infection and inflammation of the udder in cows.

Milking Parlor

A facility designed to extract milk from cows using vacuum systems.


Meat from sheep that are older than one year.


Mulch consists of organic materials like peat, leaf mold, or shredded bark, spread on the ground to suppress weeds, retain moisture, regulate temperature, and enrich the soil.


A mutagen is an environmental agent that causes genetic mutations.

Milk (Average Composition)

Milk typically contains 3.9% fat, 0.7% albumin, 2.5% casein, 5.1% lactose, 0.7% minerals, and 87.1% water.

Horticulture Glossary

Drought-Resistant Crops

Cultivating crops like ber, custard apple, amla, and mango that require less water.

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